Posts tagged Recruiter
Does Your Résumé Contain Too Much Information?

After all, including all of your past work experience will increase your odds of showing how qualified you are for a certain position, right? Unfortunately, this is not the case—but is a common mistake many job seekers make. In reality, an overabundance of irrelevant, wordy, or extraneous details can actually hurt your chances of securing an interview. In fact, too much information can cause a résumé to look cluttered, and most recruiters or hiring managers won’t read beyond the professional summary if the page appears too “busy”.

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Top 5 Best LinkedIn Profile Tips for Job Seekers

On LinkedIn, networking and connection-building reigns supreme. We can draw comparisons between the social network and the popular cultural phrase “FOMO”, or “fear of missing out”. Everyone wants to be in on “what” and “who” is happening. 

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