Why You Should Apply Without The Qualifications
Did you know that on average women tend to apply to jobs only if they meet all of the qualifications listed on the job posting?
Meanwhile, men will apply if they meet at least 60% of the required experience.
It may sound strange, but it’s true.
Women tend to pass up job opportunities simply because they do not meet all of the criteria listed. And it isn’t because they don’t think they could do the job. In fact, only a small percentage (about 10%) of women say they decided not to apply to a job because they felt unqualified.
According to a report by HBR.org, over 60% of women cited their reason for not applying for a job is because they didn’t think they would be hired since they didn’t meet all of the qualifications. However, according to a new report on LinkedIn, despite applying less frequently than men, women are more likely to get the job if they apply.
So what does this mean for women in the workforce?
For starters, if you’ve been eyeing a job posting and haven’t applied because you don’t check every box off their list, go apply right now. If you don't meet 100% of the qualifications still apply
Yes, you may be afraid of being rejected for not meeting their qualifications. Best case scenario? You get an interview and a chance to prove to them that you are the right candidate!
While some job listings seem very black and white in terms of who should apply, you shouldn’t let that stop you from taking a chance.
Let’s say your dream job is in public relations and you come across an open job listing for a PR representative. You have your degree in PR and Marketing, but the posting says you are required to have at least three years experience in the field. While you don’t have the experience they are asking for, you know you would excel in that position and bring many new and excellent ideas to their company. So what should you do? Apply!
In some cases, recruiters and managers who are posting the job may not know who the right candidate is or what they should have as far as qualifications are concerned. So they may make up a number (let’s go with 5) and say a qualified candidate would have 5 years experience in a similar role. Meanwhile, a candidate with one year of experience could be the perfect fit - but they’d never know because she assumed she wouldn’t get an interview and didn’t apply.
Show that you are confident and capable by submitting a cover letter with your resume.
Even if you worry they won’t see past the lack of checkmarks on their list of “should haves”, a convincing cover letter can get you through to the interview stage. Focus on the qualities and qualifications you do have, and show them that you are the Must Have candidate. The worst a hiring manager can do is say no, which is a sign that it wasn’t the right role for you. The right employer will see past what’s missing and focus on what you have to offer them.
Ready to apply for that job?
Let us help you update your resume and write a killer cover letter to match!