5 Tips for Video Interview Success

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There is no doubt that technology has irreversibly transformed the way we work. We can talk to colleagues all around the world, at all times, and at high speeds. Communication has never been easier or faster, and the benefits are seen in every industry. 

But as we all experience a global pandemic and deal with the economic and health-related effects of coronavirus, we rely upon technological advances now more than ever. Our online lives are becoming a regular daily reality, from ordering groceries to catching up with our friends and family. One in which we increasingly rely on the internet is the recruitment and hiring processes. 

According to the recruiting firm Walters People, video interviewing has increased by 67% since the beginning of March. With recent travel bans and restrictions, firms are moving towards a safer and more considerate approach to interviewing prospective candidates. Large companies such as LinkedIn are quickly modifying their hiring practices to deal with uncertain times, moving all of their interviews to virtual meetings. It has become harder and harder to be in the top for a job search with just a piece of paper and a smile. Now, we have to learn how to adapt to an increasingly competitive and evolving job market. To keep up with the changes without slowing your job search, follow these tips:

5 TIPS TO SUCCEED IN YOU Video Interview

  1. Do your research

    If you’re now working from home like many employees around the world, you have the privacy away from an office to thoroughly research potential new roles. Those empty minutes normally spent commuting can now be focused on learning as much as you can about companies and their open positions so that you can be prepared in case you’re invited for a virtual interview.

  2. Maintain a professional persona

    Being interviewed by someone on a screen can feel strange, but that should be the only real difference between a virtual interview and an in-person interview. Apart from being  able to shake someone’s hand, you should still expect to be interviewed exactly as you would if you were in a face-to-face meeting. This means ensuring your tone and language are appropriate and your conversation remains professional. Your leftover Easter chocolate may be just out of shot on the table, but it's your job to make sure that the interviewer is none the wiser!

  3. Look the part

    While it is true that sales of comfort clothing and loungewear are on the rise, this does not mean that an interviewer wants to see you in your new sweats. Make sure your appearance is professional; put on appropriate clothing, run a comb through that ‘isolation’ hairstyle, and remember to focus on the image you want to portray to your future employer. 

  4. Ask questions

    Make sure you have some questions prepped and ready to go for the end of the interview. This will show the interviewer that you are taking this as seriously as a face-to-face meeting and still intend to learn as much as you can about the company despite the more informal feeling of the video call. This is still your chance to make a great first impression and also ensure you have as much information about the company as possible in order to make a decision about your future.  

  5. Follow up after the interview

    While this sounds like an obvious point, it’s one that’s often overlooked. You still need to make sure you are maintaining a professional manner, especially when you are operating outside of your typical interview experience. The interviewer also faces challenges with this new process, so it’s worth mentioning that you enjoyed your meeting and felt you had a positive experience. Be sure to thank the interviewer for the opportunity and express your openness to meeting again. Following up with these kinds of comments will likely improve your chances of receiving an invitation back for a second meeting, and the interviewers will already know you are open to having these types of conversations over video conference. 

All points considered, we are at a time in history where technology will be utilized in more ways than ever before. With most companies having to adapt quickly to mass home-working and a largely online way of life, we are seeing industries all over the world making huge changes to make sure they can keep on going in such unprecedented times. 

The face of the recruitment and hiring industry in particular is likely to be changed beyond recognition, and now is the perfect time to hone new skills and prepare for new experiences in the world of work. Video conferencing continues to grow in popularity and, as the effects of the pandemic are more widely felt, it is up to us as candidates to take the opportunity to work on our presence in the market with a focus on our virtual image.
