Posts tagged resume trends
Should I Put My Vaccination Status on My Résumé?

“Fully vaccinated for COVID-19.”

Should you include that information on your résumé?

According to job search site, job postings on the site requiring vaccination against COVID-19 increased 34 percent by the end of the first week of August 2021 compared to one month prior. Job postings requiring vaccination were up 90 percent over the same time period.

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How to Successfully Quit Your Job and Land a New One During the Great Resignation

Did the COVID-19 pandemic make you rethink your current job and your career as a whole?

You’re not alone.

Over 95% of workers are considering resigning from their jobs and 92% are willing to pivot to a different industry to find the right position for them.

This phenomenon is so widespread that it even has a name: the Great Resignation.

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