How to Get Your Resume Past ATS and in the Hiring Manager’s Hands

The internet has totally transformed the way we look for jobs. Gone are the days of walking into a business with your résumé and asking to speak to a manager. Now, the job search has gone mostly online, which makes it easier for people to apply to more jobs. And, of course, with an increased number of applicants, companies may have more résumés to review than they have the manpower for.

So, hiring managers and recruiters turned to applicant tracking systems (ATS) to help them organize job applications and find qualified applicants more easily.

Ninety-eight percent of Fortune 500 companies and at least 66% of large companies use ATS, so chances are your résumé has gone through an applicant tracking system if you’ve ever applied for a job online.

There’s lots of false, fear-inducing information about ATS out there that makes jobseekers apprehensive about submitting their résumés online (and that makes them worry that their application won’t ever be seen by an actual person).

Read on for more information about ATS and how to up your chances of getting your résumé past them!

Tip #1: Apply for jobs that align with your skills and qualifications

Although you won’t be automatically disqualified for most jobs if you don’t match the job description to a tee, it’s a good idea to apply for jobs you have at least the core skills for.

Seventy-three percent of job seekers describe the job search process as stressful, and much of this stress can be attributed to receiving more rejection emails than interview callbacks. However, carefully reading job descriptions and applying to positions that match your skills and qualifications can boost your chances of getting past an ATS and landing an interview.

Remember: Behind each company’s ATS is someone who has set its parameters, and that person is looking to hire someone who’s well-suited for the job. The hiring manager or recruiter can set parameters to include things like geographical location, years of experience, degrees, and certifications.

Applicant tracking systems work by attributing a match rate to candidates based on how closely their résumés match the job description. By applying to jobs that you know are at least somewhat matched to your skills and qualifications, you up your chances of earning a high match rate and getting your résumé in front of human eyes.

Tip #2: Use keywords wisely

Using targeted keywords not only helps a company’s ATS recognize that you’re a good candidate but also shows whoever reads your résumé that you’re worth calling in for an interview.

However, be sure to avoid stuffing your résumé with keywords just to slide past the ATS. Your résumé should be both ATS-friendly and people-friendly.

Make sure to tie the keywords you choose to your achievements, so you can ensure that your résumé is readable and that you’re wowing the person who reads it. Recruiters and hiring managers can tell when candidates have worked in a keyword solely because it’s mentioned in the job description, and they’d much rather be impressed by your accomplishments than your copy-and-paste skills.

Use bullet points to describe your achievements in your current and past positions. This will help you add context for the keywords you use while tying them to your actual skills and achievements.

Tip #3: Use ATS-friendly formatting

Although the advice out there about applicant tracking systems not being able to read PDF files is a myth, there is some truth to the idea that some formatting is more ATS-friendly than others.

When choosing a font for your résumé, make sure you’re considering readability for humans, too. Use an easy-to-read font and keep in mind that hiring managers and recruiters will probably be viewing your résumé on their computer screen.

Popular fonts like Garamond, Arial, Calibri, and Cambria are easy for applicant tracking systems and people to read, so they are great choices. Steer clear of Times New Roman—it’s outdated and overused.

Avoid the pretty résumé templates from Etsy and Creative Market that use text boxes and other graphics to convey important information. Applicant tracking systems have a hard time deciphering data included in icons, text boxes, charts, and other visual elements. Although these types of résumés are great for turning in via email or handing out in person, they shouldn’t be submitted as part of an online application.

Don’t put your core information (like your job titles, skills, and dates of employment) into graphics, but feel free to put additional information (like your tagline, leadership snapshot, and testimonials) into charts, graphs, text boxes, and other visuals. This helps you to get your résumé through ATS while grabbing the eye of the person behind the screen.

Tip #4: Don’t focus too much on your match rate

Aiming for a 100% match rate is a waste of your time. Try not to think of match rates like we think of grades in school.

To achieve a 100% match rate, your résumé would be a literal repeat of the job description, and who wants to read that?

Shoot for a 60% and up match rate—this means you have at least 60% of the keywords and relevant skills mentioned in the job description.

You can use an online tool like Jobscan to get an idea of how your résumé matches the position you’re applying for. These tools also show you where there’s room for improvement in your résumé and include lists of keywords typically used when applying for certain positions.

While striving for a high match rate, keep in mind that your ultimate goal is to get your résumé in front of someone. While rehashing the job description may get your résumé past an applicant tracking system, it definitely won’t impress the person behind the screen.

Wrapping Up

The tips included here will help you get your résumé past ATS and into the hands of the hiring manager or recruiter. As you’re putting your résumé together, remember to focus on humans first and computers second—make sure your résumé is easy to read, engaging, and contains information related to the job description.

Not sure how to balance readability with ATS compatibility? We’re here to help!

Our team of experienced and qualified résumé writers can craft a résumé for you that’ll get past ATS and impress the person behind the screen.