Career Pivot Transitions

Career transition can be REALLY tricky to navigate- especially in challenging times like the last 7+ months have been; however, it is essential to be strategic and intentional when deciding to go down a different path. I have both had several clients reach out to me as well as notice a trend that MANY people are re-considering career transitions/shifts/pivots as they navigate this “new normal” in a post-pandemic world. Once feeling stable in an industry they’ve been in for years are suddenly swept off of their feet only to realize that it may be time for something else. Career pivots can be challenging; however, many times the silver lining is that they challenge you to honestly self-reflect and for the long term find something more aligned to your professional (and personal) aspirations and passions.

I found myself in multiple career pivots in my 20’s, and initially, I felt somewhat insecure that I kept making these transitions. I spent many evening researching what it was that I wanted to do, deeply envying friends professional pathways as they highlighted the glamour their careers had- travel across the country, higher salaries, seemingly “perfect” careers- many times what we don’t realize, is it takes some time to get to this place. And a career will never be perfect 😊. Which, is why I’ve put together some tips and tricks for you may find yourself navigating a career pivot or transition.

1. Participate in HONEST self-reflection.

I cannot stress this enough!! It is SO easy to attach ourselves to someone else’s story- I found myself doing this again, and again, and again. Ironically, I would never land that job- and I am now realizing it was probably for the best! I encourage you to ask around, research industries, talk to people in a variety of professional settings and positions; however, be able to discern their role with your own personal and professional interests, desires, aspirations, and dreams. A treasured mentor once told me “What is meant for me, will not miss me”- meaning, when you honor who you are and honesty self-reflect about what it is you desire, chances are you’ll end up feeling more professionally fulfilled long term. I’ve included a list of self-reflective questions you can ask yourself as you navigate a potential shift.

Questions to Ask:

1. What are my strengths? What paths/careers/roles play to these strengths or allow me to exercise them?

2. What are my growth areas? What paths/careers/roles may allow me to improve these areas?

3. What things bring me joy?

4. What things drain me?

5. What is my ideal professional environment/company culture?

6. What is NOT my ideal professional environment/company culture?

7. How does this fit into my short-term goals?

8. How does this fit into my long-term goals?

2. I cannot stress the importance of informational interviews enough!!

One of the most value-added (and worth your time) things you can do if you are considering changing roles or careers is to inquire about opportunities to perform an informational interview with individuals who are in a role, industry, or company you are interested in. When reaching out to them, you want to be polite, professional, friendly, and provide a specific request of the information you are seeking. I’ve included a template below. Once you schedule the interview, ensure you prepare and have a list of questions ready to guide your conversation in order to be respectful of their time. After the interview, don’t forget to reach out and provide a thank you with specific information you learned from them (to let them know you were listening).

Informational Interview Email Template:

Dear, <Insert Name>,

I came across your information via <insert source of information EX: linkedin>, and would appreciate an opportunity to connect to learn more about what you do. I am currently looking to transition into <insert role/industry/company you are interested in> and am very interested in learning more about what you do. Do you think you could spare 30 minutes to chat? I know you’re very busy, and would appreciate the opportunity to connect and learn from you. I’ve included 3 times and dates I am available. Please let me know if you are able to discuss.

1. Insert time and date

2. Insert time and date

3. Insert time and date

I look forward to connecting! Thank you so much!


<insert name>

3. Create a plan of action & list your transferable skills.

Sometimes this can be the most daunting aspect of career transition. Many clients ask me where do I even begin?! Being intentional and developing a plan of action is crucial to both progress through the challenges that come with a career pivot, but also help guide you in the right direction to find the right fit. In your plan, you’ll want to identify role(s)/companies/industries you are targeting, and then track your progress towards the process of applying. You can simply start by searching for these on LinkedIn and through your informational interviews. You’ll also want to ensure that you update your resume and cover letter to reflect the transferable skills and experiences you DO have. One way to do this is to review job descriptions of roles you are targeting, and then ensuring your resume and cover letter are aligned to those skillset(s). This also may be a good time to identify particular certifications, coursework, schooling, or even volunteer opportunities that you can take advantage of while you wait to land your dream role.

This is of course just a few tips and tricks that hopefully provide peace of mind and a starting point as you navigate onward. The Writique offers career coaching and resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn optimization services for those of you needing an extra boost to make this pivot. Check us out!