Which File Format of My Résumé Should I Use?

“Why do you provide me with multiple file formats of my career documents? Should I be using the Word document, the PDF, or the ASCII text version?”

It depends! First, look at the job posting or online application to see if a file format is specified. If the job posting says to “send your résumé as a PDF attachment,” then you should send a PDF. If applying online, some applicant tracking systems can read PDFs, but not all of them can. When in doubt, upload the Microsoft Word version for an online application.

Here are some general guidelines about the file formats and when you should use them:

  • The Microsoft Word format is the most versatile. It is an editable document, so you can customize it to the position being pursued, or make simple changes, such as updating your address and contact information. This format is best used when your résumé is requested by a hiring authority or recruiter, and can also be uploaded to career websites when a Microsoft Word (or .doc/.docx) file is requested. Most recruiters and employment agencies prefer a Word file so they can make edits to your résumé, if necessary.

  • ·The ASCII text format is required for some online sites. This is the format you’ll use when you’re required to copy-and-paste your résumé into a text block instead of uploading a file. The ASCII format is designed for this request, as it removes all formatting problems.

  • Adobe Acrobat PDF. This format cannot be edited but provides you with an original résumé file that retains all of the formatting and fonts as it was originally designed. Unless you need to edit the Microsoft Word file, this will be your best bet for printing résumés. Some applicant tracking systems also prefer or require a PDF. You can turn a Word document into a PDF using websites such as PDFForge (https://tools.pdfforge.org), PDF Converter (https://www.freepdfconvert.com), or using an online tool like SmallPDF (https://smallpdf.com/blog/pdf-creator). If you are using a Mac, you can create a PDF by choosing File > Print and then selecting the PDF drop-down menu and choosing “Save as PDF.” Use a PDF when sending your résumé as an email attachment directly to a hiring manager, or when applying online to a position and you are given the choice of supplying a Word document or a PDF.

If a file format isn’t specified in a job posting — and you are emailing the document — send a PDF. This is the best format to preserve formatting, including font selection, margins, and page breaks.

No matter which file format you use, be sure to name your document! Do not use “Resume.doc” or “Resume.pdf” as your filename. Instead, use some combination of your name and “resume.” For example: JaneJobseekerResume.doc or JJobseekerResume.pdf.