How to Land a Job During the Holidays

You might think companies aren’t hiring during the holidays, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Since many job seekers take a break from their job search during the holiday season, you’ll actually be up against less competition for open jobs during the holidays than you do any other time of year. 

If you’re one of the 30% of job seekers who thinks searching for a new job is more stressful during the pandemic than ever before, you may be tempted to use the holidays as an opportunity to put your job search on the back burner for a few weeks. However, with most job seekers taking a break during the holiday season, now is the perfect time to apply for jobs. Since you’ll be competing against fewer people for open positions during the holidays, you may be hired more quickly, and you’ll be able to put an end to your job search-related stress for good.

Read on for tips on finding your next job this holiday season!

1. Reach Out To People and Network

The holidays provide the perfect excuse for networking! 

Reach out to your network to wish them happy holidays. Once they respond to you, don’t be afraid to steer the conversation toward what they’ve been up to and to your current job search after you exchange well wishes. The members of your network may be able to steer you toward open positions at their companies or to alert you of openings they heard of from their own network.

The holidays are also a great time to add new members to your network. With people getting holidays off and taking vacation time this winter, many people are less busy now than during other times of the year. Their newfound free time means they’re more likely to respond to your messages if you send a cold email or DM them on LinkedIn. 

If you attend any holiday parties, use those as an opportunity to network, too. Reconnect with old friends and colleagues at parties and make an effort to meet new people. Make sure you perfect your elevator pitch and get clear on exactly what you bring to the table before the party, so you can introduce yourself to new connections.

2. Research Companies You’re Interested In

Many companies publish year-end letters from their CEOs to their employees during the holiday season, and these letters are a great way to research companies you’re interested in working for. 

These letters typically include information about what the company achieved during the past year and what they’re hoping to achieve next year. 

Learning more about your target companies from the CEOs’ year-end letters is a great way to prepare for future interviews. Take note of both the significant achievements the companies you interview with made during the past year and the goals they set for the next year. If you can work what you learned into your interview, your interviewer will be impressed that you actually took the time to learn about the company. 

While year-end letters are a great place to find information, don’t hesitate to dig deeper and learn more about the companies you apply to. Your research will help you determine if the company is actually aligned with your values and goals while helping you come up with talking points for your interview.

3. Get Your Professional Documents In Order

Although you may be facing less competition during the holidays, it’s still important to put your best foot forward in your résumé and cover letter.

Use the holiday season as a chance to update your professional documents. Add in any new achievements, skills, and work experience you gained since your last update. Make sure to use data and statistics where applicable to show the impact your work had at your previous jobs.

Lots of new positions are typically posted at the beginning of a new year, so now is the perfect time to get ahead of the competition by getting your professional documents ready of time. 

If you hire a professional writer to write your résumé and cover letter, book their services now, so your documents will be ready in time for the new year.

4. Apply Now to Take Advantage of Hiring Managers’ Hopes to Fill Positions Quickly

There are currently 7.4 million unemployed people and 10.4 million open positions. With more open positions than there are job seekers to fill them, hiring managers are eager to find people to quickly fill the open positions at their companies. 

Because of an increased sense of urgency when it comes to filling positions, the interview process may take less time now than at other times of the year, especially if they’d like the new hire to start close to the beginning of 2022. 

Combined with fewer job seekers actively looking for jobs during the holidays, hiring managers’ hopes to fill positions quickly is great news for those who are looking to get hired as soon as possible. Hiring managers may also be in better moods because they’re looking forward to the holidays, so they may seem friendlier and less intimidating during interviews.

5. Consider Applying for Temporary Work

Approximately 70% of people who work temporary or seasonal jobs end up transitioning into full-time positions at the same company, so use seasonal holiday jobs as an opportunity to get your foot in the door.

Some companies are busier during the holidays, so they need temporary workers to round out their current staff and get everything done. These positions need to be filled quickly, so temporary jobs add yet another reason for hiring managers to hire someone quickly.

If you do get hired for a temporary position, use your short stay at the company as a chance to wow everyone. Doing great work while working a seasonal job may convince the hiring manager to invite you to step into a full-time role, especially since there are more open jobs than job seekers at the moment.

Wrapping Up

The tips above can help you find your next job during this holiday season! 

Before you start applying, make sure you’re putting your best foot forward on paper in your cover letter and résumé. 

Our highly experienced, professional staff is here to update and upgrade your professional documents, so you can wow hiring managers and land a great job during the holidays. 

Learn more about how we can help here.